Fixing Our Eyes on Christ, Not Controversy The last month has been very upsetting to many. I’ve had more conversations and seen more online posts and comments highlighting the...
Good News: What Pleases God Most? We want to live for Jesus and do what makes God happy, right? After all, look at all He’s done for us! We love Him deeply, so, of course,...
Faithful God In An Unreliable World In a world filled with uncertainties, natural disasters, airplane crashes, scams, and betrayals of trust, is there anything we can rely on?...
2 Corinthians 1:1-11: Embracing God’s Comfort Life is challenging, filled with unexpected twists and turns that overwhelm and confuse us. In these times, we must remember that we have a...
Psalm 42: Thirsting for God in the Midst of Suffering In Psalm 42, the writer paints a picture of a deer, tongue hanging out and panting for water, using this imagery to describe his longing...
Psalm 22: Finding God in Our Darkest Moments Written by David centuries before the crucifixion, Psalm 22 prophetically captures Jesus’ suffering on the cross while speaking to...
Basic Theology: God’s Word. Canon, Interpretation, Inspiration This is a continuing study in our church on Ryrie’s classic work, “Basic Theology.” As we continue to understand...
Godly Conviction and the Invitation to Freedom The writer of Hebrews urges believers to “lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with...
Psalm 130 The Weight of Sin and Wonder of Forgiveness Have you ever felt the crushing weight of something selfish you’ve done, only to regret it later? At the moment, it didn’t seem...