Evangelism: It’s Not About You—It’s About Jesus

Steve Behlke   -  

Have you ever shared the gospel for someone to believe in Jesus and be saved, but afterwards felt like you completely failed? Maybe the person wasn’t interested, annoyed, or even laughed at you. You might even wonder, “Am I doing something wrong? Should I just stop trying?” In 2 Corinthians 4:1-7, Paul gives us some deep insights and grace for sharing the good news.

Stick to the Truth

Paul warns in verse 2 against altering the message or watering it down to make it more acceptable. People don’t believe in sin, react against judgment, and dismiss hell, so should we present Jesus for this life only. Paul says no. No sales tactics, no twisting Scripture, and no making Jesus just a self-help guru for a better life.

The gospel is simple: Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again to reconcile us to God. It’s good news for those who realize their condition. When we start changing that message to make it more appealing, we strip it of its power. As Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 2:1-5, we don’t need fancy words or impressive arguments—just Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

But What If People Reject the Gospel?

Rejection can feel personal, but Paul explains in verses 3-4 that if people don’t believe, it’s not that we failed—it’s because the “god of this world” (Satan) has blinded their minds. People choose to suppress the truth and not believe. Satan further blinds them. That means sharing the gospel isn’t about having the perfect argument or amazing presentation. It’s a spiritual battle, and only God can open blind eyes.

It’s Not About Us

Paul says, “We do not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord” (verse 5). Our job isn’t to impress people or have all the answers—it’s to let them know what we know about Jesus. We get to share about the One who loves them, died for them yet lives forever, forgives and welcomes them. That takes the pressure off!

God takes responsibility for what happens next. “For God, who said, “Light shall shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ” (verse 6).

The same God who said, “Let there be light” at creation is the One who shines the gospel into people’s hearts.

We Have this Treasure in Clay Jars

In verse 7, Paul compares us to clay pots—ordinary, fragile, not impressive. But inside, we carry the greatest treasure: the gospel! This reveals the power is from God, not us. Don’t even think it’s on you to win the argument, have all the right words, or answer all their questions. Believe the good news that you share and trust God as you speak. Our weakness makes room to showcase God’s power even more.

Don’t think it’s on you to “win the argument,” have all the right words, or answer all their questions. Believe the good news that you share and trust God as you speak. Our weakness makes room to showcase God’s power even more. 

What Now?

If you’ve ever felt like a failure in evangelism, take heart! You’re not responsible for the results. Keep sharing Jesus with love and truth, knowing that God is the One who does the real work.