Fixing Our Eyes on Christ, Not Controversy
The last month has been very upsetting to many. I’ve had more conversations and seen more online posts and comments highlighting the evils many Christians see. I get it. As you read this, I mean for this to be a call to joy. A call to recenter on Jesus and find joy in Him, no matter what’s happening around us.
I love how Paul ends 2 Corinthians 1 by saying he wasn’t lording his authority over people but instead was working with them for their joy. We will help one another grow in joy by strengthening their trust in Jesus.
The joy Paul speaks of isn’t found in the latest news cycle, moral and political outrage, or getting people to agree with us. It’s found in delighting in God and our relationship with Jesus…
Real joy isn’t found in the latest news cycle, moral and political outrage, or getting people to agree with us. It’s found in delighting in God and our relationship with Jesus Christ—loving Him more than any list of things, trusting His sovereign goodness, and relating to one another in the peace and joy He brings.
I’m not saying politics don’t matter or we should turn a blind eye to real issues. But when we let our focus drift from Jesus to everything we find wrong with any administration, we lose something vital—our joy, peace, and potentially our unity. Jesus said in John 15 that if we abide in Him, we will bear fruit, and His joy will be in us. That’s the kind of joy we should want for ourselves and others.
Jesus said in John 15 that if we abide in Him, we will bear fruit, and His joy will be in us. That’s the kind of joy we should want for ourselves and others.
Whether you hate or love what is happening, Jesus Christ deserves our faith and focus (worship). He is the One who raises leaders and brings them down. Nothing happens outside of His control. And one day, He’s not just going to fix the system—He’s going to make all things new. Every injustice will be set right. And His reign will bring real peace, true righteousness, and abundant joy forever.
One day, Jesus isn’t just going to fix the system—He’s going to make all things new. Every injustice will be set right.
John wrote in 3 John 4 that his greatest joy was seeing those he loved walking in the truth. Not winning arguments. Not exposing every bad actor. But seeing people love and follow Christ.
So here’s the invitation: Let’s work together for each other’s joy in their relationship with Jesus. Instead of feeding frustration, let’s encourage faith. Instead of fixing our eyes on what we find wrong in the world, fix them on Jesus, in whom we find abounding in lovingkindness, righteousness, and faithfulness.
And when we trust and delight in Him, we find joy and we can help others find it, too.