Basic Theology: God’s Word. Canon, Interpretation, Inspiration

Steve Behlke   -  

This is a continuing study in our church on Ryrie’s classic work, “Basic Theology.”

As we continue to understand God’s Word, here’s a brief look at the Canon, Biblical Interpretation, and Illumination. These ideas help us grasp the Bible’s authority, how to read it properly, and how the Holy Spirit helps us understand it. Let’s dive in!

1. The Canon: How we landed on these sixty-six books in our Bible

The Canon: The Canon refers to the 66 books of the Bible. Each book (39 from the Old Testament and 27 from the New Testament) was considered canonical when it was written. It’s important to note that people recognize canonicity rather than bestow it.

The Old Testament Canon (39 books): The New Testament frequently acknowledges the authority of the Old Testament Canon by quoting it approximately 250 times. This includes the law, the prophets, and historical texts. Jesus recognized its divine authority, quoting it often and citing it as absolute truth that must be fulfilled!

The New Testament Canon (27 books): As for the New Testament Canon, the writers themselves boldly claimed that their writings came from God (see Colossians 4:16 and 1 Thessalonians 4:15), and they also acknowledged the writings of others (see 1 Timothy 5:18 and 2 Peter 3:16).

Criteria for Inclusion: The criteria for being included in the New Testament consisted of apostolic authority, the evidence of inspiration, and widespread acceptance among churches. While the 66-book canon was acknowledged by churches early on, it was officially closed in AD 397. The early church fathers cited each book, with only a few debated for inclusion: Hebrews (with an unknown author), James, and 2 Peter. It’s fascinating that the closing of the canon (All Scripture) means that even if a genuine letter from Paul were to be discovered today, it wouldn’t be viewed as canonical. He certainly wrote other letters, but not every word he spoke or wrote made it into the canon God-breathed.

The So-Called Lost Books: The Shepherd of Hermas, the Gospel of Thomas, the Epistle of Barnabas, and others are often called “the lost books,” which some believe should be included in Scripture. However, it’s important to recognize that they weren’t truly lost; rather, they were known and rejected or written far later than the period of Christ and set aside due to issues like pseudo-names, inconsistencies, and heresies! Similarly, while some people might claim to have prophetic utterances, messages, or visions, these are not considered canonical.

The so-called lost books… weren’t truly lost; rather, they were rejected … due to issues like pseudo-names, inconsistencies, and heresies!

2. Biblical Interpretation: How Do We Read the Bible?

Biblical interpretation, or hermeneutics, is the art of understanding and explaining the Bible. While different approaches exist, the goal must be understanding the Bible as the author intended.

Literal Interpretation: The best approach among evangelical Christians is to take the Bible’s words at face value. This doesn’t mean we ignore literary devices like metaphors or parables, but we interpret them in a way that aligns with the author’s original intent.

The best approach among evangelical Christians is to take the Bible’s words at face value. This doesn’t mean we ignore literary devices like metaphors or parables, but we interpret them in a way that aligns with the author’s original intent.

Allegorical Interpretation: This contrasts with a more literal approach. This method often comes into play when the literal interpretation doesn’t fit well with the interpreter’s understanding. The allegorical approach means people read the Bible symbolically, often when the literal meaning is hard to accept. For example, some might interpret prophecies or end-times passages not as literal events but as symbols representing broader truths. Here, the words take on a symbolic meaning, allowing for a broader interpretation beyond just what the author intended. While this approach can be tempting, it’s important to ask: does the text support this symbolic reading, or are we forcing a meaning onto it?

Semi-Allegorical Interpretation: Then there’s semi-allegorical or semi-literal interpretation. Few, if any, evangelicals are pure allegorists. Usually, literal interpretation is abandoned in Genesis 1-11 or the area of prophecy. For instance, it is claimed that belief in the end times should be taken seriously, but not literally. John taught for a literal millennium, they acknowledge, but expecting a literal kingdom to come on Earth is unnecessary.

Principles for Reading the Bible Literally or in the Plain Sense:

a. Interpret Grammatically: When interpreting grammatically, take a moment to appreciate the words, their sentence structure, and the plain meaning they convey. Pay attention to the words being used and provided, and truly understand their meaning without bringing in any outside interpretation.

b. Interpret Contextually: The context of the book, including its chapters and paragraphs, plays a crucial role in understanding the text. Words and sentences don’t exist in a vacuum; they are intricately woven into the fabric of the book. There are significant issues to weigh that help us understand the truth: Are we looking at the Old or New Testament? Is this written for Israel or the church, believers or unbelievers? It’s also essential to explore the types of salvation, whether justification, sanctification, or glorification!

There are significant issues to weigh that help us understand the truth: Are we looking at the Old or New Testament? Is this written for Israel or the church, believers or unbelievers? It’s also essential to explore the types of salvation, whether justification, sanctification, or glorification!

c. Value Authorial Authority: Consider what the Author (God) or authors (e.g., Moses, Paul, and James) had in mind for their audience. The goal is to discover the author’s original intent! When exploring the Scriptures, it’s wonderful to remember that clearer passages can help illuminate those less clear, guiding us toward deeper understanding!

d. Recognize the Progressiveness of Revelation: To interpret “plainly,” it’s important to acknowledge that revelation comes to us in stages. The New Testament brings in a wealth of insights that weren’t previously shared in the Old Testament. It’s also fascinating to see how what God has asked of one group at a certain time might change or not be passed on to others. For instance, the Old Testament offers limited information about the church, the afterlife, and the new heaven and earth, leaving us with much to explore in our faith journey.

3. The Illumination of the Holy Spirit: Understanding God’s Word with Help

The Bible is so much more than a book we read with our minds; it’s a book we embrace with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This process is called illumination. Through this wonderful process, the Holy Spirit helps believers grasp and apply the wisdom of Scripture to their everyday lives.

a. Illumination Doesn’t Replace Study: While the Holy Spirit helps us understand the Bible, we still need to study and meditate on it (Psalm 119). Illumination isn’t a shortcut—the Spirit guides us as we engage with the Word.

b. Only Believers Experience Illumination: Unbelievers can read and understand the Bible, but they won’t fully value what they read or embrace its life-giving word apart from the Spirit of God.

c. Carnality Can Block Illumination: If a believer lives life without any attention to Christ and ignores the Spirit’s work, it can hinder the illumination process.

d. Teaching and Preaching: The Spirit also works through those who are gifted to teach, like pastors and Bible teachers. The Spirit helps us understand Scripture more deeply through their preaching and teaching.

e. No New Revelation: It’s important to remember that the canon of Scripture is closed. The Holy Spirit doesn’t provide new, direct revelation (remember, the canon is complete), but He illuminates the meaning of Scripture through study and meditation. Illumination helps people understand the truth, believe God, and act on the truth, using those facts to promote faith and Christlikeness.

Illumination helps people understand the truth, believe God, and act on the truth, using those facts to promote faith and Christlikeness.

Final Thoughts: In summary, the Bible is a complete and authoritative book (the Canon), and understanding it well requires careful interpretation that respects the author’s intent and the broader context. But we don’t have to do it alone. The Holy Spirit illuminates our hearts and minds, helping us grasp and apply the truth of Scripture to our lives. Together, these elements—Canon, Interpretation, and Illumination—deepen our understanding of God’s Word and shape us into more faithful followers of Christ.