Revelation: A Book You Can Understand (And Should!)


If you’re like many people, the Book of Revelation can feel intimidating. All that vivid imagery and talk of end-time events can be scary or confusing. But this book isn’t meant to confuse or scare us. In fact, it’s quite the opposite!

Our church just went through it and we are all the richer for it.

Revelation is all about providing us with a clear vision of Jesus Christ, the main Person in this book. It is literally titled, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, in the opening words.

Secondarily, Revelation offers a reliable roadmap of God’s awesome plans for the future. Contrary to what some might say, this book is not some unknowable “mystery” that nobody can know for certain. In fact, it claims the opposite! We are told these words are “faithful and true” not once, not twice, but four times!

Throughout this vision, we’re given a detailed chronological sequence of events, from the church age to the tribulation, the return of Christ, the Millennium, the Great White Throne judgment, and the eternal state. The oft-explained symbolism and repeated numbers provide a framework that presents a remarkably clear picture of God’s unfolding plan, which is consistent with all of Scripture.

This book is meant to be read and believed. In the first and final chapters, God attaches a blessing to those who read and heed the words of this book. Far from wanting us to be in the dark regarding the future, Revelation 22:10 tells us not to “seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.” In other words, God wants us to know and understand what’s coming! He doesn’t want us to spiritualize, modify, or water down this crucial prophetic message.

Far from wanting us to be in the dark regarding the future, Revelation 22:10 tells us not to “seal up the words of the prophecy of this book…”

Why? It’s because Revelation is all about stirring up hope, encouragement, and a sense of expectant readiness in the hearts of God’s people. Three times in the final chapter alone, we’re told Jesus is coming back quickly to make all things new, to set all things right, to live among us face-to-face, to wipe away every tear, to remove every trace of sin or suffering, and to usher in an eternal state of perfect joy, life, and wonder in His presence.

The book of Revelation is not something to be afraid of or to avoid. It’s a profound and life-changing revelation of our sovereign, faithful God and the future. It is to be known, understood and believed.

The time is short, and Christ’s return is imminent. Let’s embrace the vision and promises of Revelation, live in the light of its truths, and share the good news with those who thirst for Jesus and the water of life.

Jesus is coming quickly, and blessed is the one who heeds the words of this prophetic book.