When God Steps Back: Uncovering the Mystery of Spiritual Warfare

Steve Behlke   -  

Have you ever wondered why God doesn’t just step in and put an end to evil once and for all? Why does He allow spiritual battles to rage on, and why does He involve us in the fight? The answer, in part, lies in the heart of God’s nature and His deserving of all worship.

In Revelation 12:7-9, we see a future war in heaven between Michael and his angels and Satan and his demons. But notice, this will not be a battle between God and Satan. If God chose to act, it wouldn’t be a battle at all, it would be immediate annihilation of Satan’s forces.

So, why doesn’t God directly intervene? Why does He leave this in the hands of angels?

One answer is worship. When Satan first rebelled, it was out of a lust for his own glory, greatness, and praise. He wanted to be like the Most High. But God’s worthiness of worship is not based on power or position; it’s based on His intrinsic nature. And when God employs angels to defeat Satan and his rebels, it confirms their choice and God’s worthiness.

God also allows us to participate in spiritual battles. Why? Because when weak and finite humans overcome the forces of spiritual darkness through faith in Jesus, it vindicates God’s glory, showcasing His love, power, and grace.

When weak and finite humans overcome the forces of spiritual darkness through faith in Jesus, it vindicates God’s glory, showcasing His love, power, and grace.

Our victories in spiritual warfare are never about our strength but God’s grace working through faith. They are about who we worship.

Satan’s rebellion and the consequences that followed demonstrate the seriousness of choosing to worship anything or anyone other than the true God.

In this spiritual war, we’re not helpless victims. Satan is already defeated through Jesus’ victory on the cross. Angels surround us, and Christ is in us. We’re more than conquerors through Him who loves us. We don’t need to fear evil demons or assault them, but we must resist them, standing firm in Christ, His Word, and His power together. This brings glory to God.

We don’t need to fear evil demons or assault them, but we must resist them, standing firm in Christ, His Word, and His power together.

But why doesn’t God directly and decisively intervene to end evil? The answer is that He will. In the Book of Revelation, 6-22, He tells us, “I WILL DEAL WITH EVIL.” He already has, of course, on the cross! Those who believe understand this. But in the future, Jesus Christ will directly and decisively deal with Satan, the wicked, and the evil that assaults, deceives, and destroys. This is what we’ve been reading about since Revelation chapter 4! This all leads to the coming of Christ as King and joy on earth. This is the gospel of the kingdom in Revelation.

Jesus Christ will directly and decisively deal with Satan, the wicked, and the evil that assaults, deceives, and destroys.

God’s glory is not just about His power; it’s about His inherent worthiness of worship. And when we choose to worship Him, when we trust and rely on Him, it glorifies Him far more than if He simply put an end to the battle in an instant.

When we choose to worship Him, when we trust and rely on Him, it glorifies Him far more than if He simply put an end to the battle in an instant.

So, let us worship our God and Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! Boast in Him. And may we stand firm in Christ in the face of spiritual darkness, knowing that we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us and gave His life for us.