Building Trust: Foundations For The Family

Steve Behlke   -  

Parenting today is not easy. With the constant barrage of information and opinions on the “right” way to parent, it’s no wonder many parents feel overwhelmed and unsure of their abilities. Terms like “gentle parenting” and “helicopter parenting” are thrown around, and parents are often left feeling like they have to choose a side. But what does the Bible say about a parent’s calling?

As believers, our parenting should be guided by God’s Word. According to the Bible, a parent’s calling is lovingly and responsibly caring for, nurturing, and guiding their children. This includes teaching them about God and helping them to develop a relationship with Jesus. What a significant calling! But with this call comes responsibility and the authority to carry it out.

A parent’s calling is lovingly and responsibly caring for, nurturing, and guiding their children. This includes teaching them about God and helping them to develop a relationship with Jesus. What a significant calling!

One important aspect of a parent’s calling is the role of spiritual authority and influence. Parents have a tremendous influence on their children, and it’s important to be responsible for that influence. We should use it for their best, helping them to grow and thrive in all areas of their lives.

But how does this connect to our children’s spiritual growth? The degree to which your children trust you is the degree to which they will let you love them, guide and protect them.

The degree to which your children trust you is the degree to which they will let you love them, guide and protect them.

This is why a parent’s character is so important. Humility, submission, and integrity are key to a strong and trustworthy character.

Humility earns trust. When we don’t try to look better than we are or be something we’re not, are honest about our struggles and failures, and share our dependence on God, we are modeling a willingness to learn and change. This can be especially powerful for our children.

Integrity also elicits trust. It is not about perfection; it is just about being real. When we are real with our kids and honest, we protect their trust in us, and we follow through on our commitments. We demonstrate the importance of character and integrity.

Submitting our lives to Jesus Christ is another important aspect of a parent’s character. When we prioritize our relationship with God, allow Him to shape who we are, and seek to follow His will, we become people our children can trust and learn from.

But how can we cultivate humility and integrity as parents? It starts by being honest about our own struggles and failures. Share your journey of growth and dependence on God with your children. Admit when you make mistakes and model a willingness to learn and change.

God not only gives us authority and influence to parent, but He gives us the capacity to parent. God’s helps parents through His Spirit, Word, and church. Surround yourself with a community of believers who can provide encouragement and wisdom. Immerse yourself in the truth of Scripture, which offers guidance and promises for raising children in the Lord.

Above all, rely on Jesus and His Holy Spirit in you. Submit to God’s love. Find your worth and identity in your relationship with Jesus Christ. Parenting is an awesome role and calling, but it’s not all you are. You are a child of God, chosen, holy, loved, and deeply cared for by God. Know this. Parent out of this. And prioritize your child’s trust in you.

Parenting is an awesome role and calling, but it’s not all you are. You are a child of God, chosen, holy, loved, and deeply cared for by God. Know this. Parent out of this.

In conclusion, a parent’s calling is a significant one, but it’s not an easy task. It requires a strong character, a reliance on God’s help and capacity, and a prioritization of our children’s trust. By understanding and embracing our calling as parents, we can guide and nurture our children in a way that honors God and helps them grow and thrive.