Jesus the Lion and the Lamb

Steve Behlke   -  

In Revelation 5, we are introduced to a majestic figure, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, who is worthy to open the book and its seven seals. But as we look closer, we see that this Lion is also the Lamb who was slain, who has been sacrificed yet stands victoriously in the throne room of heaven. This is no ordinary lamb, but Jesus Christ, our Savior and Friend.

The image of Jesus as both Lion and Lamb is a powerful one.

Jesus, as a lion, embodies majesty, justice, and authority. He is the Sovereign, the King of kings, who will return to judge the world and establish His kingdom. Yet, as a lamb, He represents humility, sacrifice, and redemption. This is not just any lamb, but Jesus Christ, our Savior, and Friend, who gave His life for ours and restored our unity with God and our glory to come.

This dual image of Jesus serves as a profound reminder. He is both our Judge, the One who will come to judge the world, and our Savior, the One who has already saved us from our sins. He is the One who will reign with power and authority, but He is also the One who has already given His life for us.

In Revelation 5:9, the four living creatures and the 24 elders sing a new song, saying, “Worthy are You to take the book and to break its seals; for You were slain, and purchased for God with Your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation.” This is a declaration of Jesus’ worthiness to receive our worship, and it is a call to us to join in worship, acknowledging His worthiness to receive our praise and adoration.

But notice this awesome declaration. Jesus’ work on the cross, honoring the Father’s will to redeem us, has made Him worthy to take the scroll and rule the world. His role as “the Lamb,” who was slain for our sins, has made Him worthy to reign as “the Lion,” with power and authority over all creation.

Jesus’ role as “the Lamb,” who was slain for our sins, has made Him worthy to reign as “the Lion,” with power and authority over all creation.

In Revelation 5:12, the angels join in worship, saying, “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing.”

This is a declaration of Jesus’ worthiness to receive all of these things, and it’s a call to us to join in worship, acknowledging His worthiness to receive our praise and adoration.

Why is Jesus worthy to receive and possess all of these? It’s not only His amazing sacrifice that makes Him worthy. It’s how He uses His power, riches, wisdom, might, honor, and glory.

For instance, he is worthy to receive power because He has demonstrated His amazing use of power and authority through his miracles, healings, and resurrection. He is worthy to receive power because He uses it to bless and protect us. He doesn’t use His power to oppress but to redeem and restore. 

Jesus is worthy of honor and glory because He has brought honor to the Father by giving His life to sinners and restoring us to God. For this, God Himself honored and exalted Jesus to the highest place in heaven.

He has demonstrated God’s love for us through His sacrifice and continues to use His power and might to save us and bring us closer to Himself. Let us worship Him, the Lion and the Lamb, who is worthy of all our praise and adoration.