Trust Jesus: A Path to Clarity and Direction

Steve Behlke   -  

When life feels uncertain or confusing, it can be easy to lose our way. But by turning to Jesus in humble trust, we gain the guidance we need.

Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

These words provide a useful process:

First, look to Jesus in trust. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart.”

Behold the Lord. See Him for who He is, all He’s done, and all promises.

Go through the steps of trusting Him! Open God’s Word. Remember His goodness, authority, faithfulness, and loving care! Look to the Lord and remember until you are convinced that He’s got you and He’s got whatever threatens you.

Behold the Lord. Read His Word. Remember His goodness, authority, faithfulness, and loving care! Remember until you are convinced that He’s got you and He’s got whatever threatens you.

Second, choose humility. “Do not lean on your own understanding.”

Listen to Jesus. Let God’s Word tell you what is true and best to do. Set aside how you planned to control this situation or this person and listen to God when He tells us what’s up and what to do.

Complicated as this sounds, this is humility built on trust. We can only do this if we first trust that Jesus has our best in mind and that by obeying Him, He will bless, guide, and protect us. Getting to that point is not automatic, but it is relational with God and worth the time.

The next step in the process also requires humility: submit to Him. “In all your ways, acknowledge Him.”

Acknowledge Jesus as Lord. Acknowledge that He loves you and knows what is ultimately best. Acknowledge that He is right and, um, you are wrong.

That’s hard! That’s why it takes trust and humility.

But when you’re at this point, through trust and humility, you can let Him change you. Let Him guide you. I.e., let Him love you. When by faith we “let Him” lead us in any way—that’s submission!

Submission leads to the fourth step, the outcome, the benefit: Fulfillment. “He will make your paths straight.”

Jesus will be with you to lead you on the best path. When you submit to Him and let Him love you—lead, guide, protect—this is when you experience God’s presence, guidance, wisdom, and protection—i.e., His love. This leads to personal fulfillment.

Trust Him to the point that you are emotionally satisfied that He has your back!


So look to Jesus, remember who He is, and draw close to Him in trust. Trust Him to the point that you are emotionally satisfied that He has your back!

Humble yourself, listen to Him, and seek His guidance unmolested by your passions.

Choose to let God lead you. This is submission, and it’s super relational. Follow Him. Walk with Him. Do as His Word and Spirit show you to do. The outcome will be that you will experience His loving care and benefit greatly from His wisdom and protection.

Choose to let God lead you. This is submission, and it’s super relational. Follow Him. Walk with Him. Do as His Word and Spirit (which continually work together) show you to do. The outcome will be that you (and others) will experience His loving care and benefit greatly from His wisdom and protection.

This is what we all want. You’ll abide in His love—that’s fulfilling! Your trust will grow, and your ability to love will increase. This close relationship with our heavenly Father leads to joy and fulfillment, abundant life, and more significant influence. Win-win.

Could you be sure to share this post with others searching for clarity and direction in their lives? Let’s spread the message of trusting Jesus and finding fulfillment and eternal life in Him.